Principal's Desk


It is said that a child will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, pay pockets emptier, homes happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living. The best thing we can give our children is a good education. When we educate our children, a new dimension, a new level or stage of life begins. If we want our country to have a better tomorrow, a brighter future, we must have a clear vision of our aims and cannot afford to take a leap into the dark or the unknown.

Modern youth is greatly influenced by the media, is materialistic, suffers from an erosion of faith in God, is aggressive, has a superficial personality, has less respect for authority and age, is self-centered, seeks returns without investment, is more demanding and are victims of competition. Issues that our children are watching on the electronic media – intolerance and hatred based on caste, colour, and creed are global phenomena which are alarming. Violence is all around us, not just on the streets but on the home front as well. Each one of us here owe it to our children to prepare them for the long battle ahead as the future will be one of greater challenges than the ones which their grandparents or parents ever faced.

In this context, education of our children must be rooted in Indian soil. As the Rig-Vedasays, “Let noble thoughts come from every side”. Let our students absorb anything thatis good and noble from any country, culture and religion and try to rise above narrowparochialism. We need to inculcate in our students dignity of labour, tolerance of all religions, disciplined and enlightened citizenship, values of secularism, concern for the environment, the importance of national unity and integrity and true and genuine patriotism.

St. Francis School, situated in the heart of Palayur, Chavakkad, a stretch of coastline sanctified footprints of St. Thomas the Apostle, equips every child to face the world and arms everyone with a sound value based education. Franciscan Education focuses on clear outcomes and outstanding intellectual, psychological and moral growth of the students. We believe schools are the units of change and strive to ensure equitable opportunity, resources and outcomes for students of all backgrounds. The school encourages, promotes and supports innovative ideas and original thinking and measures reports on the effectiveness of our efforts at various stages. The future of our students and humanity will depend on our vision and commitment. All hands must join together in making a better tomorrow for every child. May St. Francis, the Patron of our school, a messenger of peace, love and brotherhood, bless us all in this noble endeavor. I congratulate Fr. Kurian Thomas, TOR, FSLG Sisters and the Staff for their dedication and wish all the best to the children. I congratulate Dev Multimedia for the beautiful work they have done in designing this Website.

St. Francis School, Palayur